Botanical Biostimulant

Bio-ringa is an natural pant growth enhancer which is made from extract of Moringa Oleifera Leaf, It is having growth enhancing compounds like ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), amino acid, cytokinin, essential minerals (K,Ca,Fe), amino acids and other antioxidants along with macro-micro nutrients so that it can be uses as a natural growth enhancing substance. It stimulate the plant growth and increase crop yield, it enhance the growth of young plants, strengthened plants , improved resistance to pest, diseases, increased leaf duration and increased number of leaves .

Benefits Of Bio-Ringa


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Benefits Of Prosper (PQQ)


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Anti-Fungal Bio-Stimulant
Prosper (PQQ)

Prosper ( worlds first Anti-fungal Bio-stimulant) is A revolutionary product in plant protection, acts effectively as an anti-fungal Biostimulant with main ingradient being PQQ(pyrroloquinoline quinone),which is a cofactor for several enzymes including glucose dehydrogenase. Prosper stops the fungal growth and induce systemic resistance in plant against fungal diseases. Prosper stimulate plant growth and serves as a cofactor for special class of enzymes involved in celluler function including cellular growth , development, differentiation, and survival.